Take advantage on a chance to get a really good Hereford female, chances like this don't happen very often on having a chance to buy a Hereford bred gilt this good and bred to Big Red Machine.
Sold: $3,400
Lot #8-4 Really nice York. Littermate gilt won her class at Summer Type Conference and littermate boar was 2nd at OSF. Foundation type of gilt you could start a herd around. Littermate to lot 8-1
Sold: $1050
Lot #8-1 Special type of bred gilt here, could be a cornerstone sow for your herd. Littermate to lot 8-4 and class winner summer type conference. To be honest I think we made a mistake on letting go of this one, take advantage.
Sold: $1000
Sold: $950
Lot 8-5 Really good pure Hamp bred cross. Littermate to our very popular class winning gilt at Summer type conference.
Sold: $950
Lot 8-6 Younger bred gilt that is from a great litter. Mother was purchased from George Watson by us and littermate boar we kept and inspect high things out of her.
Sold: $950